JoAnn takes the time to help seniors get their groceries every week as part of a program from Carebridge. It's just one way she gives back.
Almonte is better off for having JoAnn Boissenault, a multi-talented volunteer who gives her time whenever she can.
JoAnn helps with Carebridge, is a Civitan member who helps with catering and charitable auctions, helps the second hand store in Almonte called “The Hub” where she does whatever is asked of her, and helps out with her church.
She calls it fun and says volunteering came naturally to her.
JoAnn says when you give back to your community it comes back to you twice. That’s why she loves doing it. That, and the important connections she’s made over the years.
She calls volunteering good for the spirit, simple, and casually says anyone can do it.
As mentioned JoAnn is involved with the grocery program for seniors at Carebridge, which came to be during the pandemic, out of need and people caring for others.
She’s modest too. Carebridge’s Jeff Mills told us she’s a vital part of the program. He says when there’s a problem tat arises, JoAnn takes action and its cleared up quickly. That’s mind-easing trust for Jeff who knows when JoAnn’s involved the program will run smoothly, and those they serve will get their groceries.
To listen to the full conversation with this incredible volunteer, just press play on the player below.