Listen to Lake 88.1 News May 4th for inspiring stories from the people and organizations
who have made a significant impact on our community.
Learn the secrets and strategies to their success and put them to use in your own campaigns.
Discover the Fundraisers, May 4th on Lake 88.1.

The FUNDRAISERS - Henry Lane just can't stop giving back to his community
We're celebrating FUNDRAISERS on Lake 88 today, including a man who has been giving back to his community through dozens of fundraising efforts since 1975. Henry Lane says there's no better feeling than helping others.
May 04, 2023

The FUNDRAISERS - Big Brothers/Big Sisters Lanark County turns so many of us into fundraisers every year
Today we celebrate FUNDRAISERS on Lake 88. Jennifer Miller is Executive Director of a group that turns many residents of Lanark County into fundraisers, for 50 years - Big Brothers/Big Sisters Lanark County. She says things are getting up to speed after the pandemic and are hosti...
May 04, 2023

The FUNDRAISERS - The Ontario Provincial Police show their charitable side
Today we celebrate FUNDRAISERS on Lake 88. For this edition we're focusing on a group that likely doesn't pop into your mind when you think Fundraisers, Lanark County OPP. Constable Joe Tereschuk says giving back to the communities they serve is a big part of what they do.
May 04, 2023

The FUNDRAISERS - Lanark County Paramedic Service, Saving lives and giving back
Today we celebrate FUNDRAISERS on Lake 88. This hour we're looking at another organization that you may not think of right away when it comes to raising funds and charitbale efforts, but you do when it comes to lifesaving efforts: Lanark County Paramedics. Acting Commander Janice...
May 04, 2023

The FUNDRAISERS - PSC Partners of Canada fighting the good fight for rare liver disease
It's Fundraiser Day on Lake 88 as we continue to highlight groups raising money for causes they're passionate about. Mary Pressley Vyas is the co-founder and president of PSC Partners Seeking a Cure Canada, an all-volunteer organization hoping to raise funds and awareness about P...
May 04, 2023