We continue our look at each recommendation made by the Culleton, Kuzyk & Warmerdam inquest into intimate partner violence.
Today we look at no. 5, which says: Immediately institute a provincial implementation committee dedicated to ensuring that the recommendations from this Inquest are comprehensively considered, and any responses are fully reported and published. The committee should include senior members of relevant ministries central to IPV and an equal number of community IPV experts. It should be chaired by an independent IPV expert who could speak freely on progress made on implementation.
Interval House Executive Director Erin Lee says having key provincial ministry personnel in place brings legitimacy and resources to the committee.
Lee says its about coming together for victims of intimate partner violence.
Lee says she thinks the jury wants the recommendations to be active and implemented and not just gather dust.
The committee would get the implementation process underway.
You can listen to the complete talk with Erin about recommendation no 5 by clicking play in the player below.