We continue our look at each recommendation made by the Culleton, Kuzyk & Warmerdam inquest into intimate partner violence (or IPV).
Today we look at no. 16 which concerns reviewing policies to ensure information is shared, including by the use of emergency alerts and media releases, where circumstances could put the public in danger. It also speaks to alternative communication methods where cellular service is not consistently available.
Interval House Executive Director Erin Lee says this speaks directly to the case of three femicides that sparked the inquest.
Lee adds that in Lanark County, this process is well underway.
This recommendation speaks directly to the situation that unfolded in September of 2015 when Carol Culleton, Anastasia Kuzyk and Nathalie Warmerdam were killed by a former partner to them all. Communication with the victims was non-existent as the tragedy unfolded over the course of several hours.
You can hear the complete talk with Erin by pressing play on the player below.