We’re marking a special day on Lake 88. Hooray for Coaches Day focuses on different coaches, making a difference in the lives of people in our communities.
Bobbi McDougall is a certified Mindfulness Coach, also known as a Life Coach. She helps people with self-discovery, and get them on the right track personally and professionally.
It fits her personality type perfectly.
She says its a privilege to be part of the journey.
She says they deal with all kinds of people from different walks of life. She’s there to witness the process, and says it’s not therapy. She says it’s 80% listening and helping people ensure they’re on the right track. And the life coach says it is a joy to witness.
You can listen to the entire conversation with Bobbi McDougall by pressing play on the player below.
And learn more about Bobbi here:
Aruma: https://aruma.ca/team_member/bobbi-mcdougall/
Instagram: @bobbimcdougall