Saturday marks Week 2 of the RCL Automotive Build A Mountain of Food, with stops in Lanark Highlands and Perth.
Donations in Perth will go to the Good Food Bank at the Table Community Food Centre.
If you can’t decide what to donate, Executive Director Ramsey Hart says monetary donations are greatly appreciated.
He also says there are ways to ensure your donation makes as big of an impact as possible.
Lists will be available to help you at Perth’s three locations at Metro Perth, Barnabe’s YIG, Foodsmiths, and Giant Tiger. Look for volunteers collecting donations from 9am until 4pm.
Donations are also being accepted from 9 a.m. until noon at the Lanark Civitan in Lanark Highlands in support of the Lanark Highlands Food Pantry.
Board member Leanne Schnauer says they have a few items on their wish list.
And just like her counterpart in Perth cash donations go a long way in their small community.
The effort continues next Saturday, November 23rd in Smiths Falls. We’ll be at Jonsson’s YIG, Food Basics, The Garden Market, and Giant Tiger from 9 until 4 in support of the Smiths Falls Community Food Bank.