iqoncept / Depositphotos.com
The Lanark County Affordable Housing Capital Grant Program is up and running.
The effort tackles the lack of affordable housing by encouraging homeowners to add secondary living spaces.
The program provides forgivable loans of up to $25,000 per unit, with an additional $10,000 available for units in Mississippi Mills.
This funding is based on the cost of approved work items and HST. To qualify, rental units must be self-contained, with private kitchen, bathroom, and sleeping areas, and must be within an existing family home or on the lot of a single-family home.
The property must have zoning that allows the additional unit, and all property taxes, insurance, and mortgage payments must be up to date.
A building permit must also be approved.
For more details, visit lanarkcounty.ca or call 1-888-952-6275.