Planet Youth Lanark County (PYLC) is expanding their work on bringing the Icelandic Model of reducing youth substance abuse, reacting to their latest student survey showing that declining physical and mental health, insufficient sleep, feelings of insecurity, and early substance use are real concerns.
On Monday March 31st at 7 pm they will be holding a public meeting in Carleton Place to discuss the survey’s results and to provide expert advice on increasing youth resiliency. Chair David Somppi explains
One of the key indicators of concern in the survey is the increasing number of youth who feel unsafe. Dave notes that this is what the public meeting will address.
David says organizations from around the world are making the connection between feeling unsafe and increased substance use.
The meeting is free and open to the public, both in person and virtually. Preregistration is required; go to for details and to find the complete results of the recent student survey.
Story by Brian Turner