Here’s what’s going on in Lanark and Leeds over the next 48 hours.
Stuff to do:
Today: Trinity United Church in Smiths Falls offers free hot cabbage roll casserole for pickup on March 25 at 1 p.m., courtesy of the Outreach and Social Justice Team Casserole Ministry. Location: 41 Market St. N.
Today: The Civitan Clubs of Perth, Smiths Falls, Carleton Place, Lanark and Almonte are your hosts every Tuesday night at 6:10pm for Civitan Radio Bingo on 88.1 myFM. Now with a total of $2,500 in prizes awarded each week! Proceeds go right back to local programs in your community, when you play ‘Civitan Radio Bingo’ on 88.1 myFM. More info, like where you can purchase your cards can be found here: Radio Bingo | Perth Civitan (civitanclubofperth.com)
Wednesday: Join Montague Recreation for weekly dodgeball nights at Montague Public School, Wednesdays, 7–8 p.m. Open to all skill levels. Register online, we have the link on our website. Forms signed on-site. Bring friends for friendly competition and fun!
Local Sports:
Tuesday, March 25: Carleton Place in Kemptville @ 7:30 (Game 4, CP leads 3-0)
Wednesday, March 26: Kemptville at Carleton Place @ 7:00 (if needed)
Friday, March 28: Carleton Place at Kemptville @ 7:30 (if needed)
Sunday, Marche 30, Kemptville at Carleton Place @ 3:00 (if needed)
EOJHL playoffs, Richardson Division Final – Carleton Place wins 4 games to 1. Awaits winner of Casselman and Ottawa to play for the Barkley Cup.
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