Behind the hot meals, groceries, and social services the Table Community Food Centre provides you are countless staff members and volunteers dedicating their time to help others.
Acting coordinator Eileen Powell is one of them.
Powell joined The Table in 2019 after moving to Perth from Quebec.
She said it was her way at the time to get involved in the community while at the same time helping those who need a lift.
And as she puts it, there’s no shortage of help to provide.
Powell ensures the day-to-day operations run smoothly. That ranges from interacting with clients, handling donations from individuals and grocery stores to make sure the shelves stay stocked and communicating and directing the volunteers.
Hearing personal stories from those in our community can be difficult at times, Powell admits.
If you’re on the fence on volunteering Powell says simply to try it, and remember there’s a lot of people silently struggling in our own backyard.
Listen to our full conversation with Eileen Powell below.
Story by Grant Deme