We’ve been giving you a lot of information about today’s eclipse over the last several weeks and wanted to gather some important safety tips from some of our local experts, just as a reminder as we get set for the big day.
We’ll start with Medical Officer of Health Dr. Linna Li who tells us its dangerous to look at the sun, whether there’s an eclipse or not.
If you plan on checking it out with a pair of so-called eclipse glasses, Optometrist Markus Minder says make sure you’ve got a certified pair. He says there’s an easy way to check.
Looking, even briefly can cause potentially life-long vision damage.
That includes when you’re driving. It’s a once in a lifetime experience, but if you’re behind the wheel don’t be tempted to look up and avoid distractions.
That’s acting Sergeant Brianna Roberge who also says it’s going to get dark when it happens. How dark? Headlight dark.
And remember people are travelling to the prime viewing areas to watch it happen. If you’re one of them headed to Gananoque or Kingston, two of the best spots to see it on the entire planet, remember to give yourself lots of time.
Keep it on 88.1 myFM all day long for the best local and provincial coverage of the Solar Eclipse all day long.